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Mobile Classes 

Invite us to your schools, childcare centres & home!

Looking to bring Toronto's

Process Art Program to your classroom & playspace? 


Mobile classes are weekly, 45-min small group classes that focus on open-ended material investigation and Process Art. Our exceptional facilitators bring all the art materials and tools to you. All you need is to tell us about your group size, age range, location, expectations and we'll take care of the rest!

For details and pricing, download our packages here


Toronto, Ontario | (437)-429-1447 |

Daycare Program (18 months - 4 years)

Material Exploration


In this play-based program, children will learn through open-ended material investigation including everyday loose parts and art materials. Children will come together to observe, touch, smell, listen, explore with textures, light and create. This unique program is a wonderful first step towards preschool where children will have the opportunity to wonder, discover, develop focus, deep learning and so much more! 


Curriculum focus:

- Exploring objects for information and manipulation

- Functional play: getting to know the characteristics of every day tools & materials

- Pretend Play with Real Objects

Class duration: 30- 45 mins


School Program ( Jk- Gr. 3)

Process Art​


In this Process-based program, children will have the opportunity to create through various art and sensory experiences including paint, clay, wood, sculpture and so much more!


Curriculum focus:

- Pretend play with real objects

- Symbolic play

- Discovering simple art techniques and presentation 

- Learning to enjoy the process of creation over the final product

Class duration: 45 mins

Art & Sensory Workshop

​Our signature Art & Sensory Workshop is best for mix-ed age settings including but not limited to PA Day Camp and School Assembly. 


From community mural creation to sensory play, this open-ended workshop welcomes students of multiple grades to come together to create all in their own unique ways.


There will be a combination of a large painting, open-ended art invitations and sensory play
( even "older children" love them too!) 

Let us know your program needs

Other ways to join us

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Drop-in play & create

Visit us at our Leslieville Studio to
get a feel of our program!


Register for a

recurring class

Join our weekend classes in
Leslieville or North Toronto. 


Book an art party

Celebrate your special day at our Studio or book a teacher to come to you!

Sign up here to begin your creative journey, one email at a time.  

We're so glad you're here! Follow us on Instagram to stay connected!

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